I wish I could dance and that this post was about how well I could do the running man. Sadly it is not. In my mind I can do the running man really well, so I’ll hold onto that and update you on my training.
I would like to say that I have done a lot more training since I last tapped out an update, but frankly it has not been much better. I managed a couple of runs last week and so far this week I have only done my speed work session. Ultimately I can’t really be bothered to run at the moment unless it is with my friend Andrew, so I take my hat off to him for his commitment and thank him for keeping me motivated.
Although I didn’t do my tempo run last week I did manage a 33km run with Andrew on Saturday morning before going to work. We ran from Central through Darling Harbour to the ferry terminal, through the botanic gardens, up Oxford street to Bondi Junction and then down towards La Perouse. We then run back to through Randwick to finish in Waverley. Although my legs were feeling it at the end (missing two long runs in a row will do that) I did feel pretty good fitness wise and fairly strong up the hills. Andrew was certainly pushing the envelope at the end of the session when we had some hills and I can honestly say I don’t think I could’ve pushed much harder to keep going. This is all good though, because after this Saturday’s long run we will start a three week taper. This actually means that our long runs become slightly shorter, not that I stop training altogether as some of you may be thinking! Also our long runs have been moderately hilly, so despite not hitting lightning quick times we are getting in some great leg strengthening work on the hills, which is amazing for the flatter terrain of the Melbourne marathon. That’s one good thing about training in Sydney, you are never too far from a good hill.
Yesterday morning Andrew came over to Bondi to run intervals. We had 10x400m to do and gave ourselves 300m recoveries. We walked 200m and jogged the last 100m of the recovery to allow some respite, but prevent the legs getting too relaxed between intervals. Andrew wasn’t feeling too hot as he felt like he had no power in his legs and I felt like my lungs were on fire. So all in all it was a great session! If anything we can say that we got progressively faster on our intervals and were pushing to the limit, that’s all I can ever ask of myself, so I’m happy.
Tomorrow I am going to smash out a tempo run at sparrow’s fart, before I head into work at 7am at Apple. No doubt the day will feel long and tiring, but I seem to be more upbeat after a good training session than not doing anything. I have no clue what distance I am supposed to run, but hope that it is less than 10km, so I can have longer in bed!
Saturday Andrew and I are meeting at Central at 6am to head off for our last long run. I am not entirely sure where we will go, but I thought Central to Darling Harbour, through the CBD and The Rocks, past the ferry terminal and The Opera House, through the botanic gardens, all the way down Anzac Parade to La Perouse and then back up to finish at Waverley again. This will leave me enough time to shower, eat a large breakfast and stretch before i head straight to work for an 11am start. There is something satisfying about getting that done before work and then having a couple of cold ones at the day’s end. Roll on Saturday night!
Righty-O! That is about if from me at the moment. I have not had much time or inclination to get to the gym or do anything else training wise. As it is I am trying to get in two yoga sessions a week to keep things in check, but it hasn’t been happening. After all we all need some down time and to have a life.
I’ll let you know how it all goes when I have my day off on Sunday.
Happy training!
T :)
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