Wednesday, 10 September 2014

Lazy Tom

As you can imagine from the title of this post I have been a little lazy since my last update. Despite missing a couple of long runs (I'll admit I couldn't be arsed) I still got my tempo session in last week, which was a 16km run at 4:45 per km, or roughly 7:30 per mile. It's naturally not a great idea to miss long runs when you train for a marathon, but for those that know me I've trained less in the past and suffered well. I definitely don't advise anyone do this for a marathon though, so read on.

This week I started with a bang. Normally I wouldn't try and play catch up, but I genuinely love speed work, so I did last week's session yesterday. This consisted of 1000m in 3:47, 2000m in 7:56 and two more 1000m intervals as the first. Recovery between each was 400m, which because I am Tom the Sloth was a 300m walk and a 100m jog. To keep it simple and not bore you I've outlined the results below.

  1. 1000m, target: 3:47. Actual time: 3:57. I was trying not to look at my watch for this and go on how I felt. Unfortunately I thought I was going off to fast, so I reined it in and finished slower. Balls.
  2. 2000m, target: 7:56. Actual time: 7:40. After the first interval I thought I'd go conservative and then smash the second half. This highly evolved tactic seemed to work. Note to self, do this more often.
  3. 1000m, target 3:47. Actual time: 3:58. Not it may appear as though I was tiring at this point, but no! I was running around Centennial Park and there is a point where it's 1000m up hill. It's not a bad hill, but when you are running fast it smashes you. Taking that into account I was happy with this one.
  4. 1000m, target 3:47. Actual time: 3:41. I told myself to give it a 100% for this last interval and that I would smash it. Sometimes that level of confidence and self belief pays off. However when I started running this last one I felt like I had no energy in my legs and was running the slowest of the day. But what do I know eh?!
 Tomorrow I am running this week's intervals with my mate Andrew. We are going back to Centennial Park to run 3x1600m in 6:17 per interval with a 400m recovery. I can tell you now that these ones are absolute mother f*ckers, so I imagine the times could be all over the shop.

On Friday I have another 16km tempo run to do at the same pace as above. Although I have today, tomorrow and Friday off I am working for my mate Steve laying a path and then back to Apple on Saturday. Technically my week starts on Saturday, so I will be squeezing in my 32km long run on Sunday.

If I'm still able to move after the long run I will update you.

Until then ladies and gents,

Happy training :)

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