Last week I started doing Karma yogi work at my yoga studio. I basically do cleaning and any odd jobs for 45 minutes each time and in exchange I get an hour yoga class. I started doing this as I wasn't getting to yoga because of work and was shelling out $30 each week for membership. Now I'm working twice a week at the studio and getting in 2 yoga sessions. Evidently I value my time more than I do money!
Today I did my second yoga class this week and really enjoyed it. I am starting back with running tomorrow, so it has been great to do something different beforehand and just enjoy training rather than feel I have to do it. The benefits of yoga are clear to me as I work on the tight areas of my hips in class. This helps balance out my running and ensure I don't get any knee or back issues from the mileage I'm going to undertake.
As my week officially begins tomorrow I am off running early in the morning before I do 2 hours of concreting and then a days work at Apple. This will be my tactic for training going forward as I am definitely too lazy to run after work in the evenings! As I still have a cough after ten days I'm going to try a 10k just to ease back into it.
I'll let you know how I go.
Tom :)
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